
Tips and Recommendations For a Creative and Effective Homepage

A website’s homepage is effectively the face of the business. Many customers in today’s technology age are driven to business by these online presences. In fact, Many corporations’ only way of business is powered through their base website. Websites have become such a staple in the entrepreneur industry that over 70% of all businesses possess have one. Thus, a good website homepage is crucial to ensure the most optimal client experience and success for your brand. Many companies struggle with compelling homepages to “hook in” their customers. According to Forbes Articles, almost 55% of all online users leave a website before venturing off the homepage; this means that more than half of websites are failing to retain customers; a big part of this is due to a poorly designed homepage. At Brainyyack, we’ve helped re-design and design the homepages of countless big, bodied corporations (Autotrader, Linked In, Salvation Army, etc). We are experts in software development and website design. This blog will share five essential tips and recommendations for a creative and effective homepage so that you retain as many clients as possible.

Tip 1: White Space

White space is one of the best things to have on your homepage. The last thing clients want when entering your site is a cluttered mess. This is why such an abundant amount of people leave when they enter websites; they don’t find them visually appealing. A visually appealing site will always be better than an ugly one. White space gives websites a cleaner and futuristic look. This is because a lot of the big brand companies utilize whitespace to enhance professionalism. A good example would be Apple (below).

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The “cleaner” look that white space gives to a site reflects well for first impressions with customers. It makes it look more professional and navigable.

Tip 2: Simplicity

Like whitespace, having a simplistic design for a homepage allows visitors to easily navigate your site without feeling overwhelmed. It also promotes organization! You never want to overwhelm clients by putting too much information on your homepage; this can give your brand a messy reputation and impression by customers. Instead, try adding more subpages to your website; this way, it’s more organized, and clients will have an easier time learning and reading through your site. Your home page should only be used for a quick call to action and hook, nothing else!

Tip 3: Accessibility

Website accessibility has become a massive thing over the past few decades. It is heavily regulated federally and can be the downfall for many online websites. This is because hefty federal fines are implemented for sites that don’t follow accessibility standards, and clients who require accessibility features are left out of potential prospecting chances. If your homepage is not accessible, then these two effects will be significantly dramatized since it is the first page people see on your website. You will receive accessibility fines, and you will also miss out on potential clients who aren’t able to access your services due to accessibility issues. To learn more about website accessibility, read the following article here. At Brainyyack, we are experts in website accessibility and can help your business avoid large fines; click here to check out various diverse services we offer here.

Tip 4: Videos

Statistically, websites who feature a video or GIF on the home page tend to retain more clients. This is because videos offer users a more interactive and exposed experience. Videos or any moving image on a site in fact, capture the attentions of users much better than static images. However, videos can be doubled edged swords as a bad video can cause the direct opposite. This is why having the highest quality videos on your site should be a priority for most businesses, to get the benefits of the attention grabbing and to minimize impacts due to a bad video quality.

Tip 5: Structural Harmony

The last tip for a Creative and Effective Homepage I want to talk about is structural harmony; just like how humans view certain things as “visually pleasing,” websites must have the same patterns and features to ensure a good look. To know if your website has structural harmony, you can rely on customer feedback or contact experts for help. At Brainyyack, we can provide critical input and support for your website designs that will help boost structural harmony. A website must look visually appealing since that prompts consumers to stay on the site longer!
Brainyyack has a team of software experts and designers to help your website with any design, modelling, programming issue, etc. The homepage is the vital first impression your clients with your business, so it is essential to make your homepage as high-quality as possible. A successful homepage will retain clients, generate revenue, and increase traffic to your site as good reviews start to form. Conversely, a poorly designed homepage can be your first major turn-off for business with potential customers. With these five tips for a Creative and Effective Homepage, only scratches the mere surface of the vast ocean of website design; we at Brainyyack want to help you develop better sites and help your bussiness prosper! Remember, the backbone of your website is your homepage; learn more about website design at here. We’re here to help!

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